A Tank of Gas No. 4
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[If you haven’t seen the previous three episodes, watch them here: Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3]

On the last episode, we sat down with a passionate Creative Director, Joe. But what we didn’t yet mention was the serendipitous run-in we had the night before…

The day before our chat with Joe, we had just arrived in Sault Ste. Marie when we drove past an illuminated barbershop covered in dope branding. We turned around and stopped to check it out before hitting our hotel.

Upon walking in, we introduced ourselves to the owner, a woman by the name of Paula. After complimenting her shop, we asked if we could come back and interview her the following evening. She agreed, but not before asking about our film project and specifically inquiring about who else we were interviewing.

When we mentioned that we’d be speaking with a man named Joe the next morning, she exclaimed “that’s my dad!” and our jaws just about hit the floor.

What are the chances that this random barbershop we stumbled upon was owned by the daughter of the man we planned to film the next day? Call it coincidence, but we couldn’t help but feel like we were meant to participate in these interviews… And take her up on her offer to cut Zak’s hair.

Needless to say, both Paula and Joe have some pretty awesome hustle in their blood. They are both such creative and hardworking people who totally embodied all the values we set out to capture with this series.




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